Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Challenge

It can be challenging to look through a clear windshield
When the rear view mirror is still dusty.
Looking forward almost always means looking back
The challenge is just this..
How does one move forward without looking back?
I strongly believe that one cannot.
Moving forward in any sort of sense, will usually accompany something that has been said or done before.
It is human nature.
We say what we know.
and we do, what we have done in the past.
It can be far from intentional
But it lies in our subconscious
So really, there is no escaping it.
We reason with ourselves and others our intentions for using past instances
But we actually have no idea why we do it.
I believe nothing is forgotten
and everything is remembered.
Words are fragile
They can break easily.
Actions are severe.
They create impressions in our memories forever.
So we must choose wisely.
We are creating the past with every word we speak.
With every breath we breathe
With every look that is noticed.
With every touch that is felt.
The past can not be altered.
But the moments we choose now can be made to better the past.
So we must choose wisely.
We use actions to cover up words that we are not yet ready to speak.
The choice is not always simple.
But it is there.
We have the power to do and say what we choose
Even for someone new.
Using only small pieces from our past.
There is beauty in that.
And there is hope.
Hope for something new.
Even if the rear view mirror is still a little dusty.
The dust will eventually settle
And it will be clear to move forward.

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